Member Profiles
As a member of the Harvard Club of Cape Cod, you will want to get to know other members. In this space, we will regularly share profiles of members as they come to hand. These profiles will help you recognize others from their photos and will provide a lot more information about them than you might pick up in a casual conversation at one of our events. This way you may be able to find others with similar interests or backgrounds. Importantly, though, sharing these profiles will give you a better sense of our community.
We are also keeping a list of past members who are now deceased. Click here for a comprehensive list.
Douglas Adams, MBA '73 (East Falmouth)
Steve Barrow, AB '87 (Osterville)
Jeff Behrens, AB '89 (Wellfleet)
Catherine Berkey, ScD '80 (Osterville)
Peter Bono, AB '67 (Yarmouth Port)
John Cooper, EDD '95 (East Orleans)
Michael (Corky) Cronin, AB '63 (Hyannis)
Alice DeSouza, AMP '94 (West Yarmouth)
Michael Diamant, JD '71 (Wellfleet)
Charles Diana, AB '78 (Sandwich)
Denise Murray Edwards, MTS '87 (Yarmouth Port)
Lynne Eickholt, MBA '87 (Orleans)
Dylan Fernandes, MPA '22 (Falmouth)
Gail Garfield, Loeb Fellow, HSD '77 (Orleans)
George Gingold, AB '60, JD '63, (W Hyannisport)
Ursula Goodenough, PhD '69 (Chilmark)
Earling (Bud) A. Hanson, AB '59 (Medway)
Estelle Jorgensen, Associate (Yarmouth Port)
Stephen Joyce, AB '78 (Orleans)
Cindy King, SM '82 (Mashpee)
Michael Koza, SEF '82 (Brewster)
Karen Kuehl, MD '65 (Truro)
Roger Landry, MPH '79 (East Falmouth)
Ryan Lannon, AB '05 (Falmouth)
Judith Pierce Livingstone, MAT '61 (East Dennis)
Rob MacIver, AB '74 (Brewster)
Blue Magruder, AB '69 (Barnstable)
Frances Mautner Markhof, MS '60, MPA '81 (West Falmouth)
David Martin, EdM '61, CAS '68 (Marston Mills)
Walter McLean, AB '56 (West Falmouth)
James (J) Meere, CAP '86 (Marion)
Patricia Morchel, ALM 2013 (Cambridge)
Sean Palfrey (aka John G. Palfrey), MD '67 (Cataumet)
Rufus Peebles, AB '61, JD '64 (W Tisbury)
Keith Richards, MD '69 (Yarmouth Port)
Janet Riggs, Associate (Brewster)
Jeanne Smith, MAT '67, ALM '10 (Chatham)
Judith Grace Stetson, MAT '60 (Falmouth)
Leslie Trager, LLB '62 (Falmouth)
Mollie Tucker (Radcliffe), AB '67 and Tommy Tucker, AB '67 (Sagamore Beach)
Anne M. Tupper, AB '79 (Falmouth)
Larry Tye, Nieman Fellow '94 (Cotuit)
Blue Magruder,AB '69
Media and Public Relations, Board Member
Jeanne Smith, MAT '67, ALM '10
Francophile, lover of art history, museum guide
Judith Grace Stetson, MAT '60
Active learner, practiced teacher
Richard (Dick) Zwetsch, AB '55, PMD '70
Banker, long time supporter of HCCC