Iris Yob, EDD '90
Educator, Researcher/Writer, Editor
Coming from Australia where she taught in a one-teacher school on the edge of the Outback, high schools, and a college for teacher education, Iris Yob came to Harvard for her doctoral degree in education, which she completed in 1990. Since then, she has held positions at SUNY-Geneseo, Indiana University, and Walden University.
Now retired on Cape Cod, she works on projects that had been postponed by years in administration. In 2020 she coedited, with Associate HCCC member Estelle Jorgensen, Humane Music Education for the Common Good; in 2022, For Profit and for Good, and hopefully in the near future, The Sacred Nature of School.
She works in the mornings (writing) and plays in the afternoon (walking, gardening, sightseeing).