The club supports a summer fellowship program in which one or more Harvard students spend a summer on Cape Cod helping and learning from a non-profit, community service organization.

List of Fellows (2023)


2023 Fellow: Lauren Kwee '24

Lauren Kwee is a rising senior from Honolulu and the Dudley Co-op concentrating in Physics with a secondary in Education Studies. They were awarded a Certificate of Distinction in Teaching for their service as Head Teaching Fellow for Computer Science 51, and they started the first Harvard Skateboarding Club. They plan to go into public service as a middle or high school science teacher. As an Overland Summers leader they will lead three groups of twelve 9th-11th grade students about teamwork, independence, and appreciation of the environment while camping in Massachusetts and Vermont. Wilderness First Aid & CPR certified, they will be responsible for physical safety 24/7 as well as driving, communicating with parents, cooking, meal preparation and organizing bonding and sporting activities with one other co-leader.

Click to read Lauren’s report.


2023 Fellow: Margo Silliman '25

Margo Silliman is a rising Quincy House junior from Barnstable High jointly concentrating in History & Literature with a secondary in Theater, Dance and Media. A Crimson Staff Writer and Arts Social Media Chair she is active in the Harvard Radcliffe Dramatic Club, Varsity Sailing Team and Institute of Politics as well. Margo hopes to be a broadcast journalist as a way to connect with individuals and connect people with her local community. She will intern with Atlantic Public Media at CAI, our local NPR station, where she will pitch stories, shadow reporters, and create content mostly for sonic IDs which are one minute anecdotes from community voices. Covering cultural events and assisting Viki Merrick of and Moth Radio Hour she will learn about sound editing, researching, interviewing, and being a radio personality.

Click to read Margo’s report.


List of Fellows (2019 -- 2021)


2022 Fellow: Sam Lowry '23

Sam is a rising senior from Holland, Michigan, jointly concentrating in History and Government with a secondary in Global Health. On campus, he participates in a variety of political and public service organizations such as the Harvard Public Opinion Project, Small Claims Advisory Service, and Harvard Model Congress. For fun, he sings in the Harvard Glee Club. This summer, Sam is working at the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School where he is focusing on VA and Social Security appeals as well as criminal record sealing. Much of his time is spent on the Cape and Islands doing outreach.

Click to read Sam’s report.


2021 Fellow: Mia Caldwell '24

Mia grew up on Cape Cod. She plans to concentrate in the field of life sciences. For her fellowship, she worked with the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition as a policy and outreach intern. She worked on their annual "Against the Tide" event at Nickerson as well as working with legislators to support legislation to eliminate environmental risks for breast cancer.

Click to read Mia’s report.


2020 Fellow: Skylah Reis '21

Skylah grew up in New Bedford where she spent her summers working at the Sea Lab Marine Science School and on the Cuttyhunk Island Oyster Farm. She concentrated in Integrative Biology. She was the Dunster Food Literacy Fellow and a research assistant in the Friedman Lab where she studied the vascular architecture of the invasive fern Lygodium. For her fellowship she worked with the Buzzards Bay Coalition to help restore a 67-acre site on Cuttyhunk Island.

Click to read Skylah's report.


2020 Fellow: Olivia Weeks '22

Olivia is from southern Illinois and she concentrated in Social Studies. On campus she works with Harvard University Political Consulting, DJ's for the Blues Department at WHRB 95.3 FM, and tutors at a local youth detention center. For her fellowship, she reported for The Provincetown Independent and spent time learning more about sustainable, homegrown journalism with the Local Journalism Project.

Click to read Olivia's news articles. Click to read Olivia's report.


2019 Fellow: Andrea Brown '19

Andrea graduated with a degree in Integrative Biology. She has gained research experience at Harvard writing her senior thesis on wildflower speciation in the Hopkins Lab.  She worked with BiodiversityWorks on Martha's Vineyard. She was surveying for rare plants and updating an island-wide species list for the next edition of the book, Island Life: a catalog of the biodiversity on and around Martha's Vineyard.

Click to read Andrea's report.


2019 Fellow: Polly Watson '22

When she started her summer fellowship, Polly is a rising sophomore who has lived on Cape Cod all her life. At Harvard she was a Food Literacy Project Fellow, enabling her to continue developing her interests in food and sustainability. For her project, she was working with Sustainable CAPE to further develop Grow-a-Row for Neighbors, a program that Polly launched with her best friend in 2017, which connects excess food at farmers' markets with local food pantries.

Click to read Polly's report.


List of Fellows (2014 -- 2018)


2018 Fellow: Lily Lu '19

Lily hails from West Roxbury and will be a senior this fall, majoring in Integrative Biology. She holds student leadership roles in Science Olympiad, Harvard Museums, Harvard Ecdysis - a student journal focused on the aesthetics of science, and sings with the Noteables. Lily is applying her research, museum and science communications skills at Cape Cod Museum of Natural History.


2018 Fellow: Noah Epstein '21

A rising sophomore from Cambridge, Noah has enjoyed exposure to research in the marine biology lab at Tufts and to computer programming at Harvard. Noah is a sports enthusiast involved in club baseball and Ultimate Frisbee as well as the Sports Analytics Club and writes for the student journal Satire V. This summer he is working with the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, part of Mass Audubon, in the diamondback terrapin research and monitoring program.


2018 Fellow: Eva Gildea '21

Eva is from Weston and spends summers in Martha's Vineyard. A rising sophomore, she is majoring in Earth and Planetary Science. Before coming to Harvard Eva spent a gap year backpacking in the Rocky Mountains and studying French and writing at Oxford. She pursues her interest in business at Harvard through the Women in Business Club, Women's European Business Group and as a research assistant for the Dartmouth Company. Eva is working with Biodiversity Works this summer, supporting research and monitoring of shore birds, bats and otters.


2018 Fellow: Scout Leonard '18

Hailing from Hanson, Scout just graduated with a degree in Integrative Biology and secondary concentration in Energy and Environment. She is headed to California to serve as an Americorps volunteer focused on nutrition in schools. While at Harvard she gained research experience at the Farrell Lab and the Museum of Natural History, and hands on field experience in the Dominican Republic and Uganda. This summer she is working with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy in Chatham in supporting public safety, educating about the ecological role and importance of sharks, and engaging in research.


2016 Fellow: Michael Kassabian

Michael's work at the Buzzards Bay Coalition was largely in the Development office where he helped to organize two major fundraisers: the Buzzards Bay Swim (a 1.2 mile open water swim in New Bedford Harbor) and the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride (a bike ride with 100, 75, 35, and 10 mile options starting in Little Compton, RI and ending in Woods Hole, MA). He reports that he was fortunate enough to shoulder a wide array of responsibilities that encompassed the many facets of event planning.

Click to read Michael's report.


2015 Fellow: Katherine Kirk '15

Katharine Kirk AB'15 of Centerville completed her degree in Economics. Prior to starting her career in advertising in Boston, she served as the Youth Education Coordinator at the Osterville Historical Society. Katharine created an engaging curriculum on Osterville's History for children and families and worked to increase family visits to the museum.


2015 Fellow: Gregory Scalise '18

Gregory Scalise of Brewster was a rising sophomore and has taken courses in Math, English and Classics. He was the instrument manager for and played trumpet with the Harvard University Band. He is active in Harvard College Faith and Action. For his Student Fellowship, Greg workied with the Brewster Conservation Trust to improve the management of key land parcels and to increase the involvement of young people in conservation in Brewster.


2014 Fellow: Katrina Malakhoff '14

In 2014, Katrina Malakhoff, AB'14, a graduate of Barnstable High School, was at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, part of Mass Audubon, assisting in research and monitoring of diamondback terrapins. Her main contributions were to help conduct a mark-recapture survey of the threatened diamondback terrapins in the sanctuary, compile data from the monitoring surveys, and mine the 30+ years of data in order to perform statistical assessments of the protection program's success.